Monday, June 18, 2012

Fat in Breast Gone Faster Than Thigh

To Diet - One cannot target the fat part of the body is reduced first. But apparently women will lose weight first on the breast rather than thighs. There are several factors that influence the process of weight loss and fat in the body such as the genetic composition of fat in the body. But if it happens naturally, then the breast will be used to lose weight.

"By nature women tend to store fat in the lower body such as around the thighs, buttocks and hips," said Patrick J Bird, dean of the College of Health and Human Performance at the University of Florida.
To Diet - Patrick said these areas are genetically is used to store fat so it somewhat more difficult to remove during weight loss. This condition makes the breast will look first reduced in size compared to the thigh.

Another factor is that most of the breast consists of adipose fat tissue. Unlike the thighs, breasts contain no muscles so there is not anything that could help him stay afloat. However, to help him to strengthen the underlying chest muscle. To Diet - Certain simple exercises can help strengthen the muscles of the chest, one of which is the practice of pushing a wall. Try standing against a wall and place your hands at chest level. Push hard wall for 10 seconds, relax and repeat several times.

But if the fat is reduced in certain parts such as thighs it can be done with the sport, because excess weight in the thigh muscles hidden under layers of fat. The first step is to launch an cardio exercise regularly to burn fat, such as running, brisk walking or cycling is a good cardio workout for lower body. After that followed by exercises to tighten the thigh, one through squat exercises  - To Diet.

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